HUGE weekend of sailing ahead at Mooloolaba

  • 05/05/2017

It’s another long weekend of sailing with southern fleets heading to Mooloolaba, work morning, long lunch, much more sailing….

Two fleets are heading to Mooloolaba…

Southport Yacht Club’s Mooloolaba Marathon and RQYS’ Enclave Sail the Bay in May.

Elliott 6s work morning, starts at 0800.

LONG lunch at The Wharf Tavern from 1pm, while the MYC’s youth squad train on the river.

It’s an early start for the volunteer race management team.
SYC start is at 0700.
RQYS start is at 0900 – with the MYC fleet who will be competing in a Blue Water Series race.
Sunday afternoon is post-race drinks and member’s badge draw at the Tavern at 1700.

BERTH bookings for RQYS and SYC visitors – call The Wharf (next to town) on 5353 6064.  Mooloolaba Marina number is 5444 5653.

LATEST ENTRANCE SURVEy report, click here.

Bring it on !!!