The MYC turns 50 today !

  • 15/06/2017

The Mooloolaba Yacht Club formally came into being on June 15, 1967.

Kenneth W. Lawrence in his compilation of the club’s history between 1967 and 1982, recorded –

‘I move that a Yacht Club be formed.’

The motion was put by Albert Payne, draper, of Mooloolaba.

‘My name is Terry McLardy, I am pleased to second the motion’.

Mooloolaba Shire Councillor, Betty Daniels, as Chairman of the meeting, called for a vote:

‘Those who support the motion, please raise the right hand’.

‘The motion is carried unanimously, I declare the Mooloolaba Yacht Club formed”

The meeting then moved to the election of a temporary committee of administration.

It was Thursday, June 15, 1967; time, approximately 2040 hours; location, Alexandra Headland Surf Life Saving Club.

Some have written that the Mooloolaba Yacht Club owed its origin to a small group of sailors who raced their Cats most weekends from the Spit at Mooloolaba during 1966 and 1967…