Stevo’s Blog, February 3
Hi again.
Interesting week at the MYC.
Firstly, Wednesdays fun sail had 10 boats which is becoming more the norm than Sundays. Of the 7 Mooloolaba boats, the rum went to Ocean Warrior, Blue Bayou, wine and Mint, also wine. Well done to all involved.
Thursdays get together saw a new fridge arrive with volunteers sought to bring the 3 door 250kg unit up the stairs. 50% of the gathering were too old or had medical conditions so to the persons who lent a hand, thankyou, and the others, hope you get better soon.
Friday saw the Rum Runners event and again, a good number of teams. A mention here, that if you delay the starting of the racing then there is less time on water racing with the final results probably drawn from the hat, due to the lack of daylight. Remember 3:30 for rigging or come earlier if you can and we start promptly 4:00pm. Don’t forget to look at the course board.
Then Sunday came around with a Long Bay race with 5 yachts competing. From the conversations after at the MYC , the day was one of the best sailing days and was enjoyed by all. 1st was 4 Play, 2nd, Ocean Warrior and 3rd Infraction with Blue Eagle and Novocaine rounding off the fleet.
Another date for your calendar is the January / February birthday bash to be held on the 3rd Saturday night of each month. So all you January and February birthday peoples will be receiving a voucher for your birthday to celebrate, bring along your friends. Singing is on the agenda for all you potential rock stars out there.
Cheers and see you at the club or on the water.