Stevo’s Blog
One thing is for sure, the MYC club room is thriving. With the ten person restriction being increased to twenty, the patrons are coming in and filling the joint- very gratifying.
It’s also that time of the year where membership fees are due and with a strong initial response we foresee a great 20/21 year, with increases in member numbers across all MYC divisions- open sailing, ladies, youth, schools, power division and of course, social.
I was interested to hear recently that kids soccer is some $300+ per year to play for a season which made me appreciate how reasonably priced our membership fees are, especially when compared to city sailing clubs which can be in the thousands of dollars per year.
Having spent some $45k on our fleet of four Elliotts recently, a new motor on the RIB, club room purchases etc, I’m sure you can appreciate where all the money goes so quickly.
We have many bookings for the Club room, social activities planned, sponsorships, hiring of boats and a lot more going on to grow and strengthen the MYC.
Bob Robertson ‘Robbo’ is bringing his yacht to Mooloolaba to compete and race locally and Chris Warnes has purchased a new yacht so the fleet is increasing and the competition will be strong.
Looking forward to seeing you at the MYC.