Coast youth to compete in match racing state titles
Loads of good luck to the members of the MYC’s youth program competing in the QLD Match Racing Championship at Southport Yacht Club, Hollywell from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th.
The teams are –
- MYC Youth 1 – Taylor Rogers, Eamon Kriz, Emily McGregor, Jessica Sim, Eloise Jessett
- MYC Youth 2 – Frazer Brew, Luc Jonkers, Zach Edwards, Sarah Johnson, Ned Cambridge
- Sunshine Coast Sailing Team – James Hodgson, Charlie Wyatt, Ben Vercoe, Fergus Gillanders.
James and Ben will also be coaching the two youth teams during the regatta.
Follow the link for NOR and more details on the event.
Seven teams are entered for the regatta.
The forecast is 15 to 20 knots going 10 to 15 knots for Saturday and Sunday.