Meet the MYC’s Women’s Skills Development Program facilitator

Welcome to Alex Greu, the MYC Women’s Skills Development Program facilitator for Term 2 which starts on May 1.

Alex, 36, a French national and permanent resident of Australia, discovered sailing at eight years old and has not stopped sailing since.

At 18 she became a dinghy instructor but after several years teaching realised she wanted more; sailing was her life’s real passion.

She attended the French National Sailing School in Quiberon and graduated as a sailing Coach. She then joined the main Sailing Association in France – les Glenans – where they gave her great development opportunities. She went from teaching coastal cruising teach to managing two sailing schools.

After sailing for many years in Brittany, Alex decided to come to Australia to improve her English and hopefully pick up some work.

She did some yacht deliveries and then moved to New Zealand to create a summer camp for children and had the opportunity to work on board RT Tucker Thompson (an association dedicated to the youth of Northland) sailing with teenagers while having the chance to learn Tall Ship sailing.

Alex obtained her NZ Skipper ticket in 2017 and then worked on her boat and sailed the coast of Australia for six months.

In September 2018 she met Sharron Ferris-Choat and did a few races atMagnetic Island with an all-female crew as a trial for crossing the Tasman Sea. Alex arrived in NZ where she got offered the opportunity to join the Maiden Factor Crew for the leg Australia-NZ.

Alex also worked with great enthusiasm with Steinlager2 and Lion of New Zealand (youth Voyages).

She returned to Australia in 2019 and now lives aboard her yacht.

Alex has her Australian Keelboat qualifications and is volunteering at Sailability in Mooloolaba.