Memo from our Commodore
To our valued MYC Members.
From: Gary Schulz, MYC Commodore.
I trust this memo finds you all well and safe amidst the current world Covid-19 pandemic.
Our club has survived as a result of the diligence of this board, previous boards and their fore sight.
During this lock down we have been able to reduce our perishable stock which assisted in maintaining some cash flow. Now with eased restrictions we are operating a small restaurant for meals supplied by Rice Boi in our clubroom on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. This is proving to be very popular, but strict adherence to the 10 person and 1.5-metre rules apply. Hence bookings are essential – please phone me on 0488 077 011 to lock your time slot in.
The Treasurer has looked at the finances and in light of members not having had access to their club room or sailing for 2-months, the Board has decided to freeze the membership fees with a 10% discount if paid on or before the 30th June.
Your continued membership and support are a major part of what keeps our historical club (53-years young) alive and strong, and we sincerely thank you in advance.
If any individuals are experiencing financial hardship, MYC is happy to discuss payment plans and encourage them to contact myself to confidentially discuss this further. (Gary 0488 077 011)
The club has been continuing to monitor the COVID 19 Government advice’s and is reacting accordingly:
The MYC Clubroom bar is operating (restricted as a café).
We are hopeful that with Stage-2 easing of restrictions on 12 June we may be able to return to club sailing activities. However, we judiciously await directions and interpretations from the Queensland Department of Sport and Recreation which Australia Sailing Queensland forward to us.
An Out-of-COVID19 Reunion Party is being planned- keep your calendar free!
Our newly accredited Discover Sailing School is preparing to start classes.
The June Mooloolaba Women’s Winter Regatta has unfortunately been cancelled, but a Spring Regatta in late October is in the planning.
The dock has been repaired and work on the Elliots completed.
It is wonderful to have seven new members to date from the newly re-formed MYC Power Boat Division.
Thursday night football will be recommencing soon- book your table to enjoy a meal and watch the action live.
So, proudly I see a strong Mooloolaba Yacht Club emerging from this pandemic and look forward to catching up with you soon in this new world.
Gary Schulz