RC of Sailing Members Update, Sep 3
To All MYC Skippers, Boat Owners and Members
Representatives of the Sailing Committees of the MYC and SCYC have been meeting over the last month and have agreed upon a joint set of sailing documents for the 2019-2020 sailing season. These documents, The Notice of Race (NoR), Sailing Instructions (SI’s) and Sailing Calendar cover all sailing events for the combined MYC and SCYC fleets agreed to be called the “26 South Fleet”.
These documents have or will very shortly by available on the websites of each club.
2019/20 MYC – 26 South Sailing Calendar 26 South Fleet NoR & Sl’s
I encourage all members to read all the new documents as there have been significant changes made for both clubs.
A WAMS non-pointscore race will be held this Wednesday, 04 September.
The first sailing event under the new NoR and SI’s for the 2019-2020 sailing season will be the SAMS point score race on this Sunday, 8th September 2020. This will follow the MYC AGM in the MYC Clubroom.
I strongly encourage all members to attend both events on Sunday to demonstrate support for the initiative of both the MYC and the SCYC to improve the cooperation, involvement and enjoyment of sailing on the beautiful Sunshine Coast waters.
Mark Coghlan
Rear Commodore Sailing
Mooloolaba Yacht Club
Mobile: 0407587011
Email: markcogs@bigpond.net.au