RC of Sailing Members Update, January 2018
All MYC Members,
I am very grateful to Suzanne Mabbott (Sailing Coordinator), Kerry Teed, John Stark, Chris Warnes and Jon Cray for agreeing to assist on the Sailing Committee.
MYC and SCYC have agreed to similar sailing programmes and to observe similar sailing instructions for all our sailing events. Suzanne and I have meetings with SCYC to ensure that we have agreement and clear understanding of our programmes and instructions. These meetings are very helpful because they assist both clubs to clarify any problems and fine tune our documents. My thanks to Ian Brownhill and Craig Fergusson for these meetings.
The Sailing Committee has met and ratified amendments to the Revised NOR and SIs 2017-2018. These amendments are ready for publishing.
It is important that all members, especially boats owners and skippers, be aware of the contents of our club’s Sailing Instructions and any amendments that are made. Please review these documents on our website.
On our website, in addition to our NOR and SIs, there are clear diagrams showing the GPS Positions of our marks and the Start / Finish Line position with bearings to commonly used course marks. Buoys will usually be present at the GPS positions for Mark N (the Northern mark) and Mark D. However, if one or both buoys are not present the GPS positions represent the Start / Finish Line marks and boats are required to start and finish between the marks. The Sailing Committee has agreed that boats not doing so will be scored DNF.
The NOR for the Australia Day Regatta (ADR) will be published very soon and our Sailing Committee has ratified the Sailing Instructions for that event. The SIs will be published later.
Significant events coming up on the Sailing Programme are Australia Day Regatta (27th & 28th January), Combined Clubs Race 4 (4th February) hosted by MYC and Interclub Bay Challenge Races 5 & 6 (18th February) hosted by SCYC.
I regret that I will not be available until the 4th March to supervise and assist with sailing activities. In my absence, Suzanne Mabbott with the assistance of the other Sailing Committee members will be organizing events. The assistance of any other members would be greatly appreciated – especially to assist Suzanne with Start Boat duties (no prior knowledge or experience required) – Social Members of our club would be most welcome.
Happy and safe sailing.
Mark Coghlan
RC Sailing, MYC