Stevo’s Blog, April 23
Hi again ALL !!
Another Brisbane to Gladstone over, in nearly record time with Black Jack missing line honours by only 1 minute.
Mooloolaba Yacht Club’s entry, Galatea with Karen Young first time skipper and owner with a very credible 27th in line honours, 18th in PHRF overall and 6th in vintage and veteran. Galatea is a Swarbrick S111 a very well deserved effort. This year once again 4 boats entering from the great sailing mecca – Mooloolaba.
It is a sad observation that the sport of ocean sailing seems to be dwindling, is it the cost of maintaining ocean going vessels? Is it the time poor crews that need to be found each week for club racing?.
It is heartening that we as the MYC has seen fit to encourage sailing and invest in the future of this great team sport. Our youth and ladies has have taken up the challenge as witnessed by the Karen’s effort, and train with enthusiasm for their Australian Women’s Melbourne Keelboat regatta being held in Melbourne and are organising an SheSails @ Mooloolaba winter regatta, here in Mooloolaba using the clubs Elliot 6’s. So while the ocean fleet maybe slowing down, there is a new group coming through to keep the spirit of sailing alive.
Another formula that seems to be the Rum runner format of short, quick and fun.
I was down at Moffatt Beach on the weekend for the Ma & Pa Bendall surf comp. Interesting, after the final heat, everybody and I mean everybody, men, women and the kids all got together and packed up the site of some 20 stalls, judges tower, sponsors deck, electrical, the lot. I jumped in and helped, moved at such a willing response from all concerned.
This is an example of how like minded people who are dedicated to their sport show their appreciation to the people who give up their sport to organise theses great events for the rest of their sporting community. Like wise with the MYC’s up coming events we have the Etchells Australasian Championship only 6 weeks away and the inaugural “SheSails Winter Regatta” 3 weeks later, as usual the volunteers are lining up and keen to get in and help. If you haven’t signed up yet jump onto the web site and offer some of your time. Etchells Volunteer Registration
Cheers Stevo