Stevo’s Blog, April 5

Hi All

Yet again the ol ‘take it for granted’ attitude has raised its head.  Ever noticed how the MYC just rolls along without a lot of fuss and is warming to all members and blow ins alike. That’s the initial idea of a club. Where like-minded people can get together in their chosen sport with competition, and / or afterwards to sit around the table and tell the stories of the events of the day, the past or the future. The club is open, and you walk in, buy your drinks, and have a good time. Let me tell you what it takes to keep the doors of the MYC open.

The Clubroom; ordering stock and placing same in refrigerators. Cleaning / bookkeeping/ accounts / bookings / volunteer staff / washing glasses / prizes/ etc.

Then there’s the boats. The 4 Elliott 6’s.   Rigging/  Inshore compliance / cleaning bums and antifouling / sail repairs / equipment repairs / advertisers-sponsors.

The  Rib. At present a hole in the front, temporarily repaired.  RIB 8 years old.

The  Arvor. Manifild requires attention / slight list at mooring.  Requires a hardstand birthday for antifoul etc.

Then there’s the events; Xmas Lights parade, The Etchells Australasian Championship / The Hart Cup / Blue Water series / Surf Sail series and the other events where visiting club come here for their long distance races. For instance For the Hart Cup, Wynnum Manly is joined in this years event with RQYS and  Southport YC who are also coming here with their own race so there should be some extra 18+ yachts here at the MYC. Just shows that we are doing something right when so many clubs are keen to sail here. Good work Mark!! Also the multhhulls from MYCQ in November. Then there’s the Women’s Sailing Programme / the Youth Sailing Programme and the Rum Runners series which is more of a social sailing get together on the river in front of the Clubroom.

And all this takes volunteers and organisation. It just doesn’t happen. Who do you see behind the bar regularly. Well he is also the Commodore, the Treasurer, room/event organiser, bar stocker, and I’m sure done his fair share of cleaning and rubbish bin removal.  And when was the last time you said thankyou or more importantly, offered some assistance. Also a big thankyou to Suzanne who is always there for the WAMS and SAMS doing office and sailing admin,  handicapping and results.

This is not a gripe, more a stir to get MYC members more motivated.  We were not named Qld club of the year in 2017 for no reason as we were recognised for our focus on growing our product of sailing which sadly has depreciated on the Sunshine Coast over the past years. A club is not about assets, marinas and infrastructure. It is about members and what you do for them.

Let’s grow the MYC.

Cheers Stevo