Stevo’s Blog, February 10

Hi All again.

Another busy past week at the MYC. Wednesday’s fun sail was canned due to weather warnings and rain. No fun there !!

Thursday evening saw the regular gathering to discuss everything about life and sailing.

Friday was Rum Runners that is constantly growing in numbers and will soon may have to cap the teams to a managable number so that we can give the competitors as many races as possible. Open for discussion. Also, if you are going to sail in the Rum Runners, please have your team organised, and present yourself firstly to the club room for registration. The race entry is $30.00 per team and the skipper of each team is responsible for the collection of the fees and to be paid collectively. After the fees, time to rig the boats and go sailing hopefully by 1600hrs.

Sunday saw the lady helms persons sail with 7 yachts competing. Based on handicaps results, 1st was Ocean Warrior/ Erin Coghlan, 2nd Sea Bass/ Suzanne Mabbott, 3rd Blew Bayou/ Susie Rasussen with Kalina,/Alex Grew, Blue Eagle/Kerry Teed, and Bare Necessities / Lea Van Dujk. First across the line , Blew Bayou. The race was down to the island twice with the 2nd leg becalmed for a while and then the wind shifting to the west for the final leg home. A good day on the water and afterwards at the MYC for refreshments and presentation.

See you at the club. ??
