Super Saturday Series


It’s back on!

The 2022 Super Saturday Series is a fun and open series that gives both new and experienced sailors the opportunity to compete in a our one-design Elliott 6 racing keelboats. The boats race on Mooloolah River, directly in front of the clubroom. The races follow a fleet racing format and we run as many races as we can fit in, within the time window.

Points are accrued individually (not as a team) over the series, using the low points scoring system – this means that you can be part of different teams during the series and still accrue points. There are no drops.

Sailors are welcome at the club from 12:45pm for a 1pm safety briefing. Racing starts shortly after the briefing, with an aim to finish around 4pm.

Teams can be pre-arranged (although there is always a chance that we may need to move people around depending on skill mix) or simply turn up and we will find you a boat.

Entry cost is $30 per team (with additional an SailPass fee for non-members).

The series runs over winter every fortnight, starting on Saturday the 7th of May, 2022 –  head to our What’s On page for the latest dates.