Stevo’s Blog

Hello again,

Last weekend was to be the lady helmspersons race but unfortunately, abandoned due to the 30Kt + squall that came through.

The Friday Rum Runners series has held immense support with the balcony full of cheering spectators and umpires. The crews are growing and won’t be long before this series will be an invitation only event. There will be NO Rum Runners this Friday the 30th October due to the Women’s Keelboat Regatta.

Speaking of.?? This Friday sees the registration and welcome to the MYC for the Women’s Keelboat Regatta to be held over the weekend. There are 8 teams entered from as far away as South Australia, Brisbane, Lake Cootharaba and good old MYC. Should be a great weekend and good luck to all competitors.

The VJ sailing dinghy has arrived at the MYC and is ready to be hoisted into the rafters for a further visual to the club.  This dinghy was in the old clubhouse down the road but was rescued by some members for the vintage and historical value to the club.  A working bee is proposed for Thursday afternoon to hoist the VJ into the rafters. Come on now, show your support.

See ya at the MYC.  Stevo