The SEQ Sailing Team need your help

  • 10/11/2016

SEQ Racing Team logoWe are SEQ Racing team made up of some of South East Queensland’s finest Youth Sailors keen to make a mark on the National and International Match Racing scene.

Ultimately our team members aim to qualify to compete on the World Match Racing Tour, qualify for the Olympics and take part in the Americas Cup.

Over the past two years we have performed strongly in QLD and interstate events and have been invited to attend the two most prestigious Youth Match Racing events in Australia, the Musto International Youth Championships in Sydney in November and the Warren Jones International Youth Regatta in Perth in January.

As a regional team, outside the main sailing hubs, we don’t have access to major funded Youth Development Programs and sponsorships enjoyed by most of our competition. Our team is self funded and needing to raise the funds to cover the costs of five sailors and a coach to travel to these events including entry fees, airfares, accommodation, sailing uniform and coaching costs.

These events will help improve our teams World Ranking, gain broader exposure and form stronger networks in the sailing community and will significantly improve our team’s progress towards our goal of being the best Youth Match racing team in Australia, and possibly the world.

We are extremely grateful for any contribution and support you can give to help our local Queensland team compete!

Help spread the word!

For more information and to support the youth team, GoFundMe.