Stevo’s Blog, May 14
Hi again !!
The weather has not been very welcomed for sailing and it comes as a welcome relief when there is no sailing due to Mothers Day. So I take it that everyone will be chaffing at the bit for Wednesday.
A couple of events on the agenda coming up that are major for your MYC club.
Firstly the Etchells Australasian on the first weekend of June. i.e.. 6, 7, 8, & 9 th. This well known event is recognised across the world by the worlds top sailors and that is why so many world champions have been and still are attracted to this event. With some 40 + volunteers required to run this world class event, please register your interest and see what the MYC does outside your dedicated sailing field. Very interesting and rewarding.
Next, the Brian and Trent Anstee Race Memorial. This sail has been postponed from the weekend of the Hart Cup where MYC had 3 visiting clubs as well as MYC yachts over the weekend. Too many sailing races to organise so it was decided to postpone the race to the 2nd June. More on this next week.
Its also that time of the year where the MYC is looking around for interested persons to come to the board of the MYC to help and organise the running of the club. These positions, if available, are always rewarding to serve as they not only give you an insight to the many activities within the MYC but also be part of the ongoing growth and promotion of the MYC.
Remember the famous phrase. ” Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
See ya.