Stevo’s Blog, July 30
Hi All again.
A few bits of info here so read on.
Firstly, a good sail on Sunday with 2 boats from MYC with Ramjet just getting pipped on the finish line. Galatea ran a credible 3rd
The Virgo party !! will be held on the 3rd Friday in August as will every monthly birthday be celebrated. A great time was held by all at the Leo’s one and the MYC has negotiated another and ongoing seafood platters kindly donated by BRIDGE SEAFOODS. So no guessing where the next shop will be for seafood. The new management is doing a fine job.
The ELLIOTTS. 2 boats are being painted as you read this and these boats will need to be put back together and the other 2 prepared for painting. With the preparation work done to date on the first 2 boats I estimate that there are some 66 person hours to go before the work is complete. We are hoping for the first 2 boats to be back this coming weekend so if you can help ?? Otherwise the boats will be out of action longer than we thought.
Work bee. The walls of the clubhouse are being insulated next week so we need to move the trophy cabinet and the fridges away from the wall for the builders to gain access. That’s a 8.30AM start on Sunday morning for approx. 1 hour. Your club NEEDS YOU !!
Bumblebee 4 is looking for volunteers to assist with the delivery to Hamilton Island for Race Week.
Contact Stevo 0414 455 567
Presentation this year is being organised by the TANU Yacht Team. Check out the web site for dates and times.
Cheers Stevo