RC of Sailing Members Update, Oct 5

Important message to all 26 South Fleet Boat Owners and Skippers:

An amendment has been made to the 26 South Fleet NOR / SIs for 2019 – 2020 Sailing Season.

Amendments have been made to SI clause 10.1 and Attachment B to allow for boats sailing in SAMS, SAMS-NPS and LHS events with a handicap of <0.800 to participate in an earlier fleet start at 1200. Boats with a handicap >= 0.800 will have a fleet start at 1230 as previously.

These amendments are in keeping with requests made in the Combined Boat Owners’ meeting held in June this year and should make it possible for finish times across the fleet to come closer together.

Please read and print the new amended document 26 South Fleet Season 2019-2020 NOR and SIs amended 04Oct19.


Mark Coghlan, RC Sailing MYC.