Steve’s Blog, November 26

Hello again,  We are still composing a volunteer list for the MYC bar duties. As said previously, no bar, no club. We can help you with your RSA and remember, the more hands make lighter the work, instead burning out a few.

A good fleet turned out for last Wednesday’s fun sail with 7 yachts from Mooloolaba competing. New boat in the fleet sailing was David Simpson with Calypso Magic. Hopefully we will see more of David and the boat.

An interesting chat in the bar last Sunday where a cruise down Moreton Bat was aired, ‘weather permitting’ around the Australia Day Weekend as that weekend of sailing has been canned for the last 2 years. We do have dates set aside for a get together cruise down into the bay.  ” Your thoughts ”

Remember Friday Night with the band Los Gringos playing in the club room.  This is the first time we have had a band in the MYC room and if successful, there could be more as there are quite a few members who indulge in music.

If anyone else has anything to report on then please contact me or the office.

Until next week.  Stevo