Stevo’s Blog

Hi All,
I’d like to say a big thankyou to the MYC board members for jerking me back into action, as the saying is- ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’.
The Clubroom may be closed and all sailing activities on hold, but behind the scenes the wheels are still in motion.
The NEXT Property Group sponsors signs are up on the Elliott hull and boom tent and look great.
I’m proposing a working bee on the Elliotts, the Rib, the Arvor and the pontoon which all need some attention. Please let me know if you are available on Saturday the 2nd of May at 9.00 am for a few hours so I can arrange how we will progress these works whilst maintaining the Covid-19 social distancing recommendations for everyone’s safety. Be great to see you and knock over a few jobs so we are ready to go when restrictions are lifted.
The Virtual Regatta eSailing is proving to be an exciting and entertaining fix for those chaffing at the bit to go sailing.  Many thanks to Tanya Kelly for initiating this. To date we have eight MYC members joining in weekly social racing on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. The next scheduled event is Sunday May 3rd at 5pm with an access code of 1313. Give it a try- but be warned you may find yourself addicted in no time.
Zhik have partnered with Australian Sailing to offer the Zhik Australian eSailing National Challenge. MYC will be holding a 5 race event (date to be announced soon) to select our club champion to represent us at the State finals in May, and if successful there, in the Australian National Championships. So get into training- you could be a club, state or national champion! But if not, you’re guaranteed to have fun trying.
We have a few social events being planned for when permitted.  The first being a ‘Xmas in July’ party pencilled in for July 25th.
The successful monthly ‘Birthday Bash’ will kick off again- there’ll be a few to catch up on so sure to be loads of fun.
It has also been suggested to hold a bus trip one Saturday afternoon to the wineries/craft beer establishments on the Sunny Coast. Too many for one afternoon perhaps. This has been a very successful MYC club event in the past with a great time had by all, so watch out for this one.
Other upcoming social activities will include movie nights, Elliott sailing, pursuit races, a rally with the Kawana SLSC…
So there is a lot in the planning stage to look forward to when the social gate is opened.
We are also on the verge of becoming an accredited Discover Sailing club- many thanks to a lot of hard work by Ian Jessett predominantly. We will then be able to offer Keelboat Learn to Sail training to schools during school term, offer school holiday classes, as well as classes for youth and adults. Exciting times!
Our Commodore (and treasurer) Gary Schultz is hard at work making sure everything is in order so we can hit the ground running when permittted.
Mark Coghlan- Rear Commodore is in contact with Australian Sailing who are in discussions with Queensland Health to obtain directives and guidance as to what sailing will be allowed after the lifting of some social distancing restrictions from midnight on Friday. So watch this space- we may be back on the water in some  capacity soon.
I hope you are enjoying the tales from the MYC 50th Anniversary Book which are being published regularly on our Facebook page. We will have more coming to our website in the near future too. So much history, fun facts and maybe a few tall tales.
I wish you all fair winds and following seas!