RC of Sailing Members Update, June 5
Hi All MYC Members,
This afternoon we have received the Queensland Approved Industry Covid Safe Plan for sailing in Stage 2. Stage 2 was brought forward to 01 June, however, there had been no Covid Safe Plan approved until today.
As you have been aware, organised club sailing activities were not allowed under Stage 1– MYC has been adhering to this restriction as requested. Now that an Industry Plan has been approved we will need to develop specific industry plans for each specific club activity prior to recommencing club sailing activities . Fortunately, we do not need to submit these plans for approval but must be able to present them if required.
Therefore, MYC will not be recommencing sailing activities until said plans are in place and all members are familiar with them. I am hoping the Sailing Committee can get these plans underway next week and completed ASAP.
I have attached a short document outlining our requirements to return to sailing (the Queensland Approved Industry Covid Safe Plan for sailing in Stage 2 is 44 pages).
I hope we can get back on the water soon.
Cheers Mark Coghlan, RC Sailing MYC.