RC of Sailing Members Update, September 3
To All MYC Members
The 26 South Fleet Notice of Race (NOR) and Sailing Instructions (SIs) and Sailing Calendar agreed to by the Combined Sailing Committee for the 2020-2021 Sailing Season are now available on the MYC Website. However, these documents may need to be reviewed when the new Australian Sailing (AS) Racing Rule of Sailing and Special Regulations 2021-2023 are published.
All members should review and be aware of the contents of these documents as there have been some minor changes from last season. Particularly note that there are now changes to Summer and Winter Season start times.
Skippers please ensure that current AS Equipment Audit Form Category 4, Insurance Certificate of Currency and Covid-19 Compliance Form have been submitted to the MYC prior to entering any 26 South Fleet events.
It is particularly important for all boat owners and skippers to review and to adhere the Covid-19 Safe Plan available on the website.
The first pointscore race will be WAMS on 16 September 2020 until then events will be non-pointscore.
Your Sailing Committee strongly encourage you to participate in our sailing events. If you are not a boat owner, we encourage you to join in and crew on participating boats – Sailing, Fun, Friendship.
Mark Coghlan, RC Sailing MYC