Discover Sailing – Spinnakers

Before you hit the competitive race course there is one more step to equipping you to help your fellow crew to be at the head of the fleet.

Or for seasoned sailors, it’s a chance to hone your skills in handling and trimming the ‘kite’.

That step is learning how to effectively use the spinnaker and asymmetrical which is the sail deployed when sailing downwind.

It is the 4th component of the Australian Sailing Keelboat training course.

This course either teaches new sailors how to use the spinnaker when they have never sailed with one before or it can be adapted to show seasoned sailors how to sharpen their spinnaker handling and trim.

The spinnaker trimmer has a vital role in the speed, direction and efficiency of a race boat.

Knowing what to do and when is critical to both performance and enjoyment of your sailing experience.

  • Cost and course dates to be advised.
    • Open for waitlist bookings.

    Interested / Can’t make these dates? If these dates are booked out or don’t suit you, please register your interest on our waitlist HERE


Sailing Element Criteria
  • Can rig sheets, braces, halyards and control lines (tweakers)
  • Can set up the pole
  • Knows the correct pre hoist procedure for attaching spinnaker
  • Can hoist efficiently
  • Understands the importance of correct pole position and height on all relevant points of sail
  • Use of sheet/control lines on all relevant points of sail
  • Knows the correct procedure for end-for-end gybing
  • Can set up a headsail prior to dropping spinnaker
  • Understands different drop techniques e.g. hatch, windward, leeward
  • Can stow spinnaker gear efficiently after drop
Other Skills and Techniques
  • Can helm effectively on all relevant points of sail
  • Understands optimum downwind angles for differing wind speeds / types of spinnaker
  • Can helm whilst gybing
  • Understands the importance of communication, preparation, teamwork and coordination when using spinnakers

There are five training courses available – Start Crewing, Start Helming, Start Skippering, Spinnakers, and Start Racing.

If you have a question, contact the club on or phone 0457 574 419.