A trip down memory lane- Long Standing Coward Tradition by Richard Coward

The MYC and the Coward family go back a long way, as far back as 1982, when the family first hit the Coast looking for warmer sailing weather, moving up from Hobart Tasmania.

The Cowards have enjoyed the club and its facilities on numerous occasions and not just for sailing.

Ian and Diana’s son Richard, and his wife Tracey, had a very memorable wedding reception where the bridal party arrived via the Underwater World catch boat (Richard worked for UWW) to waiting guests on the balcony. The night was a fantastic success and all attendees had a wonderful time; it will be forever etched into our memories.

All six of the children as well as Ian and Di, have attended many evening meals, parties and of course band nights at the MYC.

Sailing however was the big thing in the Coward household with Ian a veteran sailing salt of many Sydney to Hobarts and an Australian sailing representative in the prestigious Admiral’s Cup alongside some very noteworthy company, such as Sir James Hardy, Frizzle Freeman and the salubrious Syd Fischer!

In 2003 and 2004 oldest son, Bill (a four-race Sydney to Hobart veteran) won the MYC Club Champions Trophy with his boat Insatiable, a very quick and nimble Vanderstadt 40, ably sailed by Ian, Bill, Richard and Sam.

Then of course in recent times there was Ian’s pride and joy QUEST, the Nelson Marek 43 formally owned by Bob Steele.

Ian spent many hours preparing QUEST for the big one – the 2016 Sydney to Hobart, which saw three of Ian’s sons sail her south; Bill, Richard and the youngest Sam (known as Samantha according to the S2H Race record…a typical Coward type gag!).

QUEST was successfully campaigned in many events held out of the Brisbane yacht clubs prior to the Hobart, preparing the boat and crew.

A minor tactical error saw her slip from second overall on the second day and miss a podium finish. She finished the big race in a very respectable three days and five hours.

So it goes, the Coward family hold the MYC very close to their hearts, with great memories and special events.

They hope to find themselves continue the long-standing tradition of frequenting the ‘yachtie’ for many years to come.

Photo – Sydney Hobart Yacht Race Quest crew at Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. Credit – CYCA.