Elliott COVID Safety Plan

Great news- we are now able to sail on the Elliot 6 fleet! 😃

The MYC Elliott-6 COVID-19 Safety Plan has now been completed. Please take the time to read the document carefully particularly the parts related to the maximum number of people on the flotation docks and boat cleaning. The maximum number of people (at this time) per Elliott-6 will be 3.

In order to sail, you will need to complete the MYC COVID-19 Safety Plan Compliance Declaration to attest that you have read and understand the plan.

These documents are available on the MYC website under ‘Sailing- Racing Notices & Documents’ and from the following links below;

Elliott COVID Safety Plan

Elliott COVID Safe Plan Compliance

Please return your signed Safe Plan Compliance form to the MYC Clubroom or scan and email to mooloolabayachtclub@bigpond.com.

Mark Coghlan, RC of Sailing