From the archives – The Grand Reunion 2003
By Mickey Leitch
“Our mission is to ensure we rekindle club enthusiasm amongst old and new members; that they have an enjoyable day with their sailing friends and find time to support the club in future days.”
Once upon a time in late 2002, MYC club member Richard Robinson approached me at the bar of the Mooloolaba Yacht Club and asked, “what can we do to generate a greater patronage of the club in the form of an event or function?”.
My response was to conduct a reunion, but it would require at least six months in the planning. Richard agreed so we obtained permission from an executive member and proceeded.
Lists of previous members from 1967 onwards were obtained, a date set for Saturday, 21 June 2003, and we started spreading the word, telephoning past and present members, conducting meetings and more meetings.
Within weeks the response was amazing. We documented those contacted and those who confirmed they would attend.
At this stage we had no definite program of events for the day apart from guest speakers, a dinner, and music in the evening.
Richard worked tirelessly at home on the event planning whilst I was contacting hundreds of people and receiving calls from people that had heard the reunion was being planned.
Richard and I came to the conclusion that we needed some help so MYC social executive member Michael Brown was asked to join us.
The club executive we given details of the large number of people that were going to attend and became concerned that the club may not be able to fulfil its commitments on the day therefore Richard, Michael and myself had another meeting and decided to self-fund the event through sponsors.
Over a period of approximately two months we gained sponsors from 28 different businesses and personalities.
Richard and Michael gained free printing for the many souvenir programs provided on the day. Invitations were printed and distributed.
On the day a complimentary drink and nametag were provided for everyone.
Over 700 people attended the reunion, there were numerous guest speakers, memorabilia, raffles and complimentary food provided.
The days commenced at 12 noon included late into the evening after dancing and singing to be music by Hits and Mrs.
The reunion proved to be a great success. Richard Robinson, Michael Brown and myself believe we achieved our mission.
The event generated in excess of $30,000 for the MYC.