Member Update, January 11

Extraordinary General Meeting
9am Saturday, 5 February 2022

At our AGM in October, the Board intended putting a special resolution to the meeting to amend our Constitution to reduce the quorum for meetings to 20 members.

The importance of the change was demonstrated when, although a large number of members attended the meeting, we still fell short of the number required to achieve a quorum (under the current Constitution) by 17 members.

We are grateful to those members who were able to attend the meeting and with their agreement, the general business of the meeting went ahead.

This still leaves us needing to form a meeting with the requisite quorum to pass the Special Resolution.

We have scheduled an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for 9am 5 February 2022 for the sole purpose of putting the special resolution to our members.

You do not need to attend in person.  You can attend via ZOOM or by phone and vote online.

Provided enough members join the meeting at 9am, the whole process should only take around 15 minutes.

You will receive an email from 8.45am on Saturday 5th February 2022 inviting you to vote.  You can vote as soon as you receive the email.

Please see Notice of EGM for information about using ZOOM, your opportunity for asking questions and online voting.


Suzanne Mabbott
Company Secretary