MYC 50th anniversary, Hey, Hey, it’s Wednesday

  • 06/03/2017

Another wonderful Wednesday fun race story from Bob Hickson, Ahoy October 1991.

Hey, Hey, it’s Wednesday

Or Woe, Woe, it’s Thursday

It started some weeks ago on a Wednesday after the regular Fun Race.

Someone, who shall remain anonymous in case of reprisals from spouses etc waiting till all hours at home, came up with the brilliant idea of hiring a Karaoke machine to entertain the Wednesday sailors, club members and guests.

Who would have thought, and certainly not this scribe, that one electronic piece of wizardry could have so much effect upon the behaviour of a group of people, and especially some otherwise very staid and conservative people at that.

“What’s a Karaoke?” I was asked.

“Stick around after the race and you will see,” I replied.  “You can be an instant star.”  “No way in the world”, I was told.  “You won’t get me up there singing!”

Oh no?  Imagine solicitors, developers, businessmen studying the program, tapping their feet and filling in their entry forms, and with mike in hand becoming instant stars.

All this after not much more than half an hour of some of the best which is served over the bar.

And the girls too.  What talent we have!

I have heard rumours that Elvis still lives.  I believe it.  I have seen him at the MYC.

Now that it is all over, perhaps we can arrive home at a “respectable” hour and hope and pray that eventually those who stayed at home with a beautifully prepared dinner waiting will show some forgiveness.

As for Woe Woe it’s Thursday ….. I am sure that the infernal machine contained a very virulent virus with which it managed to infect all who came in contact with it.

I missed the finals, but I have been told it was a very hard fought competition and I believe it was eventually won by our own regular star, Joe Webster.

Other performers of note were Col Thomas, Sylvia Hot, Kiwi Chris, Kerry, Jan, Big Dog, and, from the staff, Jock and Donna – to mention a few.

All this has been happening on a Wednesday when the MYC has its fun races, so do come along because you never know what could be in store to make Thursday a day you would rather forget.

Bob Hickson (The Fox)