RC of Sailing Members Update
The 2020-2021 Sailing Season is coming to an end. We finished our last sailing event on Wednesday with a WAMS-NPS pursuit race on a beautiful sunny but cool day.
SIx MYC boats signed on with the knowledge of the forecast light, variable conditions – nature did not disappoint with all boats finding big holes with no wind. We all completed a shortened course with Bare Necessities, New Tricks and China Blues coming home in the top 3 positions.
The Mooloolah River bar has a minimum depth of 3m in the centre – the best bar conditions we have seen in a long time.
Notice to Mariners – 326 (T) of 2021 published 24 August 2021
The new Notice of Race (NOR), Sailing Instructions (SIs) and Sailing Calendar for the 2021-2022 season are now published on the MYC website. There have been a few revisions made – the major change being that all boats sailing in any event are required to have submitted an Australian Sailing (AS) Certified Safety Category 4 Audit to enter events.
26South Fleet (Combined Clubs MYC/SCYC) NOR & Sl’s for 2021-22
26South Fleet Sailing Season Calendar 2021-22
MYC is also emphasizing that all boats entering events must submit a complete crew list to MYC prior to sailing and all persons on board must be either an AS Sailing Member or have obtained a SailPASS prior to sailing. MYC Social Members who would like to enjoy an occasional sail are always welcome but need to obtain a SailPASS.
SailPASS Temporary Membership includes AS Personal Injury Insurance.
We have increased the number of Women’s Helm Series races and Long Bay Series races to have more interesting events.
This Sunday, 29 August, SCYC will be hosting an informal bay sail to start the season with the Summer Season starting with MYC hosting a WAMS-NPS race on Wednesday 01 September 2021. Point-score races will commence after Fathers’ Day.
I look forward to seeing many boats and members on the water this Sunday to see out the old season plus with the current prediction of increasing pressure building up during the afternoon there should be some great sailing.
Mark Coghlan, Rear Commodore of Sailing