Stevo’s Blog

Hi all.

I don’t know if you read the My Weekly  Preview Paper. The write up on the women’s sailing was a two page feature on what’s happening, the events, their successes and an overall view on that section of the MYC. The same feature also informed the general public of our other programs such as Youth, Schools, and the Discover Sailing program. And don’t forget the up coming famous Rum Runners series, and the  reformed Power Boat division.

So we are not just about sailing on a Wednesday and Sunday in the big boats out the front. Bob Robertson ‘Robbo’ has just bought his boat ‘It’s Time’ to Mooloolaba and is looking for crew to train up and do some serious sailing. This is a perfect opportunity for some of the ladies to experience some big boat sailing in the ocean. Talk to the MYC office for details.

The AGM is on the 10th October and nominations have been called for various positions on the board. The MYC is in a very healthy position with lots going on so be a part of the success and do your bit. Once said ?? Its not what the club can do for you but what you can do for the club. MYC member Danielle Kennedy won the She Sails Award in the QLD 2020 Sailing Awards. MYC is now accredited to run the Australian Sailing Keelboat (Discover Sailing) and OutThere Sailing program/s. A few other events on the go and will inform members when more information is available.

So get on board and be a part of your MOOLOOLABA YACHT CLUB.
