Stevo’s Blog

Hi there ALL !!

Last weekend saw the Women’s Keelboat Regatta with some spectacular sailing and a deserved win by Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron. For full results and lots of pics, visit the web site. I was present for both the days, the commitment and happy overall attitude was a credit to all present. Covid should be relaxed next time round so I encourage all to visit the club when the next regatta is held. Speaking of, Rum Runners returns this Friday afternoon at 15.30. There is standing room only on the balcony during this afternoon of fun for the prizes of the famous ‘cane cutters cordial’. It has been said ‘ Is this balcony safe for all the people’. Yes it is with over construction and reinforced concrete under.

Wednesday afternoon WAMS saw a light VARIABLE ESE breeze.  Some yachts sailed away from the fleet with others floundering in the conditions.  That’s sailing. With 9 boats on the water, things are on the boil for the outside fleet. Well done, Ocean Warrior, Blew Bayou and China Blues overall.

And lastly, I can’t help but to be so proud of our MYC club. Last weekend saw the place covid safe full of happy smiling faces. Wednesday again safely full of sailors, tonight will have the usual ol’ mens and friends for the usual get together, Friday ‘Rum Runners’ friends and dinner after, the weekend, youth , women and Discover Sailing. No wonder we took out the QLD Sailing Club of the year. Keep it up and one day we will all be one.

Cheers Stevo