Stevo’s Blog, February 8
Hi all,
This is the first of hopefully a weekly letter to those interested on what’s going on around your club and the activities within. The Elliott’s have had new rigging, replacement of halyards, blocks and repairs to the general running of these prized club training boats. Thank you to Scooter and Jasen Cowling from Gold Coast City Marina who organised and replaced the rigging. Thank you to you both and the many volunteers who assisted in the refurbishment. Also noted was the Women’s Sailing Program who also carried out maintenance on the Elliott’s.
The MYC has been busy in events and at the recent Executive meeting it was raised about volunteers and boats on the water. The MYC is having a lot of people turning up to go for a sail and we are finding it difficult to accommodate them all with a sail. If you are going sailing and can take a passenger, then please contact the MYC. Another point raised was the successful running of the Christmas Lights Parade and the upcoming Etchells Australasian Championship along with a Women’s Open Regatta being held in June. All these events take an organiser and volunteers to make it happen.
Thus, the gathering organised in the MYC Clubroom on the Friday evening of the 1st March 2019. This social occasion will be to inform members and guests of the various activities in the club and the warm fuzzy feeling of volunteering a service to the MYC. Please attend this night with a friend as nibbles will be provided and a plate is always welcomed. There are many activities that your club organises and to be informed of these events not only promotes the MYC but gives you a proud ownership of your club.
See you on the water be it the ocean, the river, or your bath tub.
Cheers Rob Stevenson