Stevo’s Blog, July 16

Hi All.

Another week ahead with the sailing of SCOR with the Mooloolaba boats fairing well.

In the PHRS division where all 16 boats competed, Mooloolaba Yacht Club carried home the trophies with a 1st and 3rd overall. That being Galatea 1st , Italian Job 2nd and Spartan 3rd. Congratulations to Karen Young and Tanya Kelly.  There were a total of 7 MYC boats competing in the 16 boat fleet. A very good effort and result MYC.

Everybody will be heading off up north soon so we wish all those competing up that way, the very best.

Another reminder of the Friday night antics where we are holding a LEO’S / Xmas in July, party at the club from 6 pm. Dinner, naturally Rice Boi , Salt Water, Greek or Italian. Should be a fun night with everybody getting to choose their favourite songs and allowed to sing along with it. Unless getting the thumbs down.

The Elliotts are going up the creek on Thursday. I would really appreciate a hand from more members as this is a quite a large undertaking in the refurbishment and painting of the 4 Elliotts. Thankyou to the members that have helped to date.

Let me know if you are available to help.

Thanks.  Stevo