Expired: Stevo’s Blog, May 27
With the fast approaching Etchells time will pass quickly especially for those who are organising the event. Check out who is coming to Mooloolaba for this event on the web site as there are a few ‘world names’ in the entries. Like Tom Slingsby.
Rescue 2 looks like it has had a birthday, more a makeover, but looks good in its new rescue orange wear. The running of this vessel will be limited to a few persons as it was the misuse that lead to the current situation. The pontoons were sun struck also so something had to be done. The pontoons have been patched and now covered so hopefully we get another couple of years out of it before a major refit is needed. A very big thankyou to Warren Myles.
Last Wednesday turned out to be a good sail after the morning shower receded. Those who went out were rewarded as were the couple of boats that went out on Sunday. Spartan and Blew Bayou. Thanks you 2 for your effort. The wind was predicted to be under 5 ktns and variable and I know for a fact that this prediction kept a few MYC yachts at their moorings. Just says that if we could pick the weather, we would be rich ???
Which brings to mind. You don’t have to be an Einstein to notice a dwindling sailing fleet. So here is a question. The club executive would like to know your answer so that we have at least the opportunity to address the problem.
What do you believe to be the single major factor in the declining fleet. Send your text answer to me on 0414 455 567.
Thanks and I will pass on.