Stevo’s Blog, October 30
Hi All,
Been a while since I last did a blog but coming on to Xmas, there’s a bit going on.
Firstly, I must comment on the last Sunday’s sail that was a non event. There was a skippers meeting at MYC club some two months ago organised by Mark Coghlan to find out what skippers wanted in the format of sailing and participation. The outcome was more short courses. The result was that last Sunday was cancelled due to lack of support with only 2 boats registering interest. Mark puts a lot of effort into sailing and from experience the position that he holds on the executive is one of the busiest on the board. I take my hat off to you Mark. What a pity that people register interest then do a NO SHOW.
The women had a successful regatta with 1st place going to CYCA and 2nd & 3rd to MYC. Well done everybody. Please remember that there is a lot of work and preparation that go into these events the work doesn’t finish after the last race.
The MYC has taken 9 bookings to date for functions leading up to the Xmas break. These functions are a life support for the functioning of your MYC. It will be totally unfair and selfish to expect the current bar staff to run all these events so please step up to the plate and support the club.
Furthermore, with sailing at a low participation rate, the club patronage has also declined. At an AGM some 5 years ago, it was loudly and unanimously agreed to find a permanent CLUB house overlooking the water. This has been achieved so now it is the members turn to support the work of a few and use the Mooloolaba Yacht Club.
Bring your friends !!!!