Welcome to the MYC. A club steeped in world class history.

  • 28/09/2016







A club steeped in world class history.  By Annie Dear, MYC Historian  The Mooloolaba Yacht Club on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast enjoys one of the best addresses of any club, with a five minute journey to the Mooloolah river mouth, giving safe, direct access to deep water ocean sailing via a wide sheltered bay. Mooloolaba Yacht Club was formed in 1967 by a group of sailors who predominately enjoyed sailing catamarans off the beach at Mooloolaba Spit.

The club began with a wonderful sense of fun and camaraderie amongst people who enjoyed the pleasures of the ocean by way of racing sailboats, as well as social activities. The great team spirit continues with many State, National and International events being run extremely successfully thanks to the never-ending support, expertise and generosity of members and sponsors. 

The Etchells & Tornado Worlds have been held at Mooloolaba as have Windsurfer, Hobie, NS & Sabot National Championships enjoyed the pleasures the Club has to offer.

International racers have completed their journeys and enjoyed the hospitality of the Mooloolaba Yacht Club over the years. The Trans Tasman Solo Yacht Race began in 1970 and is run every 4 yrs and the club has also hosted races from Auckland, Noumea as well as races to The Whitsunday Islands.

One of the major yacht races to finish at Mooloolaba was the famous Sydney to Mooloolaba race. This race was contested and sailed just prior to Easter and was the feeder race for the Brisbane to Gladstone starting on Good Friday. Long races such as these are the training grounds for the famed Sydney to Hobart.

Although a “new” club as far as yacht clubs, go we are proud of our history and achievements. There will be many more to come, and many more friends to meet and greet.

Words by Annie Dear, MYC Historian